the AnthropologistWhat a cool site. The Anthropologist is a project from
Anthropologie, the chic, upscale urban outfitter and furnishing store (whose beautiful products are utterly beyond the means of a modest paycheck, or even a respectable one, but fun eye-candy nonetheless). This site features the work of interesting artists, creatives, and makers. "We illuminate those who move us in order to move you. We champion the idea that sharing the sources of creativity in turn kindles us." The work they feature is gorgeous, but how they present the work is gorgeous, too--against a plain, clean white background, with seamless transitions and easy navigation. It's beautiful, and I love it.
My favorite featured works are Urnatur, a Swedish nature resort that focuses on living simply and at peace with nature....

and the photo project of David Eustace, who got to document a road trip with his teenage daughter the summer before she left home for college.

Check them out!
Eat Pray LoveOkay, okay, I've heard arguments both for and against the major premise of this book by Elizabeth Gilbert, and even though I mostly feel it IS a bit ridiculous, the writing is so thoroughly entertaining and relatable, I am completely enjoying every page of this book. But we'll see how I feel at the end of it.

(Plus, the cover art is pretty neat.)
Independent BookstoresThere's nothing better than spending time meandering around a bookstore. And I'm not talking about mall-like beasts like Borders or Barnes & Noble. I'm talking about the cute, whole-in-the-wall, tiny bookstores lined wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling with books and books and books to explore for hours. I recently went into
Subterranean Books, one such bookstore in the
Loop. I love walking around this store because I always find something interesting amongst the books they display and feature. And buying local is ALWAYS a plus.
4. snow/cold weather
I may be the only one who feels this way, but the warm weather around here lasted WAY too long! I swear, it was mild weather until late November! I am glad that it is finally cold, and it's here to stay. We even have a nice blanket of snow here in
mid-Missouri. PRETTY.

My favorite musical foursome singin' "Snow" from my all-time favorite Christmas classic (sorry,
It's a Wonderful Life),
White Christmas.
Mel Stringer
Super awesome illustrations coming from this Australian artist I saw featured on
blog. So cool! Check out her
Etsy shop. Oh, or
her other one.