This semester I took Printmaking I, and I am so so SO happy I did. Printmaking is awesome. I love the process and the countless techniques that you can you. The hands-on approach is so up my alley!
I recently had a little photo shoot of the prints I'd done during the second half of the semester, which included intaglio, polyester plate lithography, and screen printing. Neat-o.

"Pickin' Me a Bouquet of Dogwood Flowers." Polyester plate lithograph.

"So Mingled." A quote from Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "Ethan Brand." Screen print on plexi glass.

Untitled. My best friend from younger years, Becky, and I used to draw treehouses every rainy day at indoor recess. I always wanted a treehouse. I guess I never really stopped dreaming of the perfect one! Poly plate lithograph.
"Vanity." Intaglio, zinc plate.
This was actually done on the same plate as the one above. The assignment was to change something about the print somehow, either by altering the plate using methods we learned or changing your ink application. I was unhappy with my rendering of the left figure, so I decided to completely take her out. I used a sander to grind the plate to its original smoothness. it was fun and I am much happier with these later prints!
After showing it to my dad, he said, "Nuns don't wear make-up." LOL. I think I like that title better.